Collaborative Stories

Kids Outreach Yields New Church in South Asia
March 29th, 2020

Brother V is the Founder of a ministry in South Asia that began over 25 years ago with 60 Christian youth. Today, using a very good discipleship five-module training, they now discipling 10,000 youth each year.

GACX, Four Other Networks Unite for Global Summit
February 19th, 2020

Earlier this month, key leaders from five disciple-making / church planting networks came together for a four-day Global Summit in East Asia.

GACX Adds VP for Membership and Engagement
January 22nd, 2020

Over a third of GACX’s 86 current member organizations have joined the alliance in the last two years — 23 of them in just 2019 alone.

My Heart Soared When We Met
July 10th, 2019

My first GACX meeting was the children’s ministry strategy intensive at the 2018 forum. From the moment I arrived, the presence of God’s Spirit was palpable.

Turning Information into Opportunities
July 8th, 2019

GACX is bound together by a shared, measurable goal — what we summarize as the “one for 1000 vision.

Maximizing the 2019 Forum
July 2nd, 2019

The GACX Global Forum is one of the most strategically important events that I attend every year. But as GACX’s chairman, it’s my job to say that!

Witnessing the Fruit of Partnership
February 27th, 2019

We were bouncing along the dusty washboard roadway of southern Ethiopia when suddenly, unexpectedly, we jerked to a halt. Men jumped atop our Range Rover and began strapping down yellow 5-gallon containers of water.

Momentum is Building
February 26th, 2019

Over the past three months, I’ve spoken with dozens of leaders of churches, denominations, mission organizations and businesses. I hear the passion in their voices and see the focus in their eyes.

Knitted Together in Prayer
February 25th, 2019

In John 17, Jesus prayed that His followers would be one. My wife, Rosie, and I felt privileged to experience a taste of this unity last month at a GACX Prayer Roundtable in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Why We’re Empowering Emerging Leaders
November 30th, 2018

There is an emerging generation that was born into a world of information technology, instant communication, and social media platforms.

Masterfully Woven Together
October 26th, 2018

By the numbers, the 2018 GACX Global Forum was an incredible success. A total of 226 participants representing over 100 different organizations — the largest ever GACX forum.

Igniting Prayer for GACX Members
July 6th, 2018

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of prayer in fulfilling GACX’s vision. Apart from prayer, our goal of 5 million more multiplying Church bodies would not be more difficult — it would be impossible.

First GACX India Roundtable
May 31st, 2018

What a privilege it was for us at Mission India to host the India Roundtable powered by GACX.

The Prettiest Place in Europe
May 30th, 2018

Like many cities in Europe, Krakow, Poland is a rich texture of history, culture, and architecture. But for a few days this April, the most beautiful place in this city wasn’t it’s main square or majestic cathedral — but a rather ordinary hotel conference room.

New VP for Global Networking & Partnerships
April 19th, 2018

The GACX board of directors has appointed John Becker to be the Vice President for Global Networking and Partnerships.

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