Collaborative Stories

What Collaboration Looks Like
March 28th, 2018

I’ve spoken with leaders from many GACX members over the last several months — phone, video calls, and face-to-face. These conversations have left me ever more amazed at all the God is doing around the world.

Reconciliation leads to multiplication
February 6th, 2018

In January 2017, thirty-three leaders of Cru’s Global Church Movements (GCM) from 22 countries of Africa and the Middle East gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

GACX and GCPN Announce Collaboration Agreement
January 17th, 2018

The leadership of GACX, a global alliance for church multiplication, and the Global Church Planting Network (GCPN) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on intentional collaboration.

Training Opportunity for Young Pastors
December 1st, 2017

Since 2005 God has allowed the Global Proclamation Academy (GPA) to bring 25 younger pastoral leaders to Dallas for a three-week program designed to connect, unite and strengthen the finest, younger lead pastors of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.

Intentional Collaboration Across Generations
September 8th, 2017

“Intentional collaboration” is a term of art within GACX. The coordination, alignment, and partnership necessary to push forward the 5-million church vision cannot be left to happenstance or afterthought.

Introducing Nate Vander Stelt
July 19th, 2017

The GACX board of directors has appointed Nate Vander Stelt as Executive Vice President.

“Kingdom Come” through Partnerships
May 18th, 2017

Why do you think Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Our Father in heaven…Your kingdom come?” What do you think we are saying whenever we pray this prayer?

What is a Prayer Igniter?
May 17th, 2017

GACX views prayer as an indispensable action in our mission to see one healthy, multiplying church for every 1000 people worldwide. That’s why every GACX member is encouraged to identify and appoint a “prayer igniter” within their organization.

Igniting prayer for multiplication
March 1st, 2017

Eighty-one leaders, prayer coordinators, and intercessors from 38 different organizations gathered in Orlando last month for GACX’s inaugural Ignition Prayer Summit.

Unity and hope at 2017 European Forum
February 21st, 2017

The European Forum for Church Multiplication (ECFX) is a regional branch of GACX, pursuing a contextualized vision to see one healthy, multiplying church for every 1,000 people on this “post-Christian” continent.

Pursuing Kingdom Come
January 16th, 2017

“Kingdom Come” is GACX’s 2017 theme — for both the upcoming Global Forum in October as well as a common thread woven throughout our thoughts and actions during this trip around the sun.

Weirdly Together Now
November 26th, 2016

“A bunch of weirdos.” That’s how one of the 150-some leaders described the group which met together last month in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Permeating Prayer Partnerships
September 22nd, 2016

I landed in Accra, Ghana last month for the Every Home for Christ (EHC) Africa Conference.

Getting “Together Now”
August 23rd, 2016

“Together Now” is the theme for the GACX Forum 2016. We have chosen these two words to capture what we will be doing. I believe they capture both God’s heart and priority.

The Gospel in Dark Places
July 15th, 2016

On February 7, 2014, my family and I boarded a plane to Kenya with heavy hearts. We had just heard that Abdi Welli Ahmed, our dear Somali brother and partner in ministry, had been shot dead earlier that day.

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