How do we help believers live as effective, mission-focused disciples in all areas of their life?
GACX’s vision is to see a living, vital church of Jesus Christ established among every 1000 people everywhere.
When tragedy brought intense scrutiny to her organization, Mary Ho experienced the open-handed support from others in the Body of Christ.
Jesus’s approach to making disciples was to find them and invite them to journey with him. The same is true today as we intentionally choose others and model for them what it means to follow Jesus.
The first way faith is demonstrated in the life of a leader is when he or she is not afraid to believe God.
What would it look like if the body of Christ decided that our mission and not our differences define us?
While staying at a hotel during a recent out-of-town trip, my wife and I met a couple who were serving on a church staff in a town where we had some longtime friends.
With fervor, we must continue helping disciples see that the purpose of Sunday is Monday.
For many disciples, the workplace is one of their greatest spheres of connection and influence. Yet many believers don’t see that their job can be an act of worship — and an opportunity to engage others with the gospel.
Regardless of the size of your movement, there are 9 questions that must be effectively addressed to maintain health, growth, and momentum.
It’s challenging to work quickly and collaboratively to serve spiritual seekers around you.
How did Jesus turn a bunch of failed and broken disciples into a world-changing missionary force?
Effective coaching is vital to the success of discipleship/church multiplication movements. Improving your ability to mentor, challenge and encourage others can increase the spiritual fruitfulness of a movement and help it grow larger.
Partnerships, networks, or other form cooperation always have real people and real ministries involved.
Rich Bonham
• Greater Europe Mission