
Our resources are only a fraction of the thousands of resources available to GACX members as they share with other members in the alliance.

The Members page contains thousands of resources that GACX member organizations offer to share with other organizations.

Collaboration Starts Deaf Church Planting Movement
Collaboration Starts Deaf Church Planting Movement
May 28th, 2018

The Deaf live in every country, yet they are often the last and least-regarded people group in the world. There are an estimated 70 million Deaf people worldwide, and 98% of them do not know God.

Pursuing Spirit-Powered Movements
May 22nd, 2018

The most important ingredient for movements is God-empowerment through the Holy Spirit.

Love, Unity and Prayer at Ignition 2018
April 19th, 2018

Watch the highlight video (above) and you’ll quickly see the “ignition” of praises and prayers in the eyes of our Father at the Ignition 2018, the GACX prayer summit in Orlando.

Igniting a Culture of Prayer
March 28th, 2018

Every organization has a culture — practices and habits based on shared values. How does prayer become an integral, indispensable part of it?

Oral Strategies for Rapid Multiplication
January 28th, 2018

Nearly 80% of people in the world learn primarily or exclusively though oral means.

Principles and Practices of Multiplication
December 13th, 2017

The Apostle Paul adapted his church-planting strategy for different contexts. Movements today do the same while still demonstrating a common pattern of growth and development.

The “Why” of Church Multiplication
December 12th, 2017

Global trends and a changing culture are key reasons why multiplying churches are more necessary than ever before.

Moving from Sowers to Planters
November 17th, 2017

How do people who who are broadly sowing the gospel make the transition to becoming multiplying church planters?

The Beauty of Intentional Unity
November 13th, 2017

How do we go from a theoretical concept of unity to intentional, strategic collaboration?

How to Get to Movements
November 13th, 2017

What happens when you train anyone with a pulse who loves Jesus to connect and share?

Our Turn
November 5th, 2017

First, it was Jesus; then it was the early church. And now, it's our turn to get the job done.

Everything Your Need to Know
October 27th, 2017

Everything you need to know to reach the world is found in the example of Jesus.

Proclaiming God’s Cosmic Mystery
October 27th, 2017

God intends for the global proclamation of the gospel through the church so that the wisdom of He might be made known through creation.

Mentoring the Next Generation
Mentoring the Next Generation
August 31st, 2017

In John 1:35-42, Jesus is in the midst of starting his ministry. He finds two of John the Baptist’s disciples following him and asks them a simple, yet profound question: “What are you seeking?”

Want to access more resources? Become a member today.
As a member, you can find thousands of resources that GACX Member Organizations offer to share with other organizations.
“It’s helpful that we are building unity Biblically. That is a prerequisite for God to do something amazing.”

Jim Whelchel

• Christ’s Commission Fellowship

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