
Casting Vison to Mobilize Believers
October 30th, 2016

Steve shares from his experience some Biblical and practical insights on casting the vision for church multiplication. 

Mobilizing with Passion
October 30th, 2016

Jimmy speaks about the importance of personally living out gospel practices as vital to mobilizing others.

Ready to Move
October 30th, 2016

Jimmy shares what it takes to be ready to move when God moves and creates opportunities for the Kingdom.

Build Leaders by Making Disciples
September 20th, 2016

Today it is popular to talk about our need for more spiritual leaders. We are laser-­focused on leadership development.

Some Thoughts on Partnering Well
September 17th, 2016

It excites me greatly to see God at work through the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication. So many ministries and churches have launched fruitful partnerships to move toward the goal of 5 million multiplying church plants by the end of 2020.

Humanitarian Aid and Church Multiplication
August 16th, 2016

Cesar had been a violent felon. Others in his urban, United States neighborhood made their money selling drugs. He preferred armed robbery and eventually went to prison for it.

Enabling Church Planting with The JESUS Film
August 16th, 2016

I am a church guy. I planted a church straight out of college with a group of young people who came to faith during my student years.

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Two women visiting in a coffee shop
“One of our core values is partnerships; it’s a part of our strategic plan.”

Karlena de la Cruz

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