Andy Fish leads GACX's member engagement efforts, helping organizations connect, learn from each other, and build partnerships.

Permeating Prayer Partnerships
September 22nd, 2016

I landed in Accra, Ghana last month for the Every Home for Christ (EHC) Africa Conference.

Build Leaders by Making Disciples
September 20th, 2016

Today it is popular to talk about our need for more spiritual leaders. We are laser-­focused on leadership development.

Some Thoughts on Partnering Well
September 17th, 2016

It excites me greatly to see God at work through the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication. So many ministries and churches have launched fruitful partnerships to move toward the goal of 5 million multiplying church plants by the end of 2020.

Getting “Together Now”
August 23rd, 2016

“Together Now” is the theme for the GACX Forum 2016. We have chosen these two words to capture what we will be doing. I believe they capture both God’s heart and priority.

Humanitarian Aid and Church Multiplication
August 16th, 2016

Cesar had been a violent felon. Others in his urban, United States neighborhood made their money selling drugs. He preferred armed robbery and eventually went to prison for it.

Enabling Church Planting with The JESUS Film
August 16th, 2016

I am a church guy. I planted a church straight out of college with a group of young people who came to faith during my student years.

The Gospel in Dark Places
July 15th, 2016

On February 7, 2014, my family and I boarded a plane to Kenya with heavy hearts. We had just heard that Abdi Welli Ahmed, our dear Somali brother and partner in ministry, had been shot dead earlier that day.

“How Good and Pleasant It Is”
November 3rd, 2015

GACX Forum 2015 brought together leaders who believe that God’s Kingdom is bigger and more important than our individual organizations.

Towards A Global Alliance
November 3rd, 2015

Today is quite possibly the most exciting era of Christianity since the book of Acts. The global church is growing at a rapid pace as disciples are going from everywhere to everywhere to preach the gospel and fulfill the great commission.

Making Disciples Through Church Planting or Planting Churches Through Making Disciples?
October 8th, 2015

I have been a church planter my entire adult life. I have planted-directly or indirectly-12 churches here in the States.

We Cannot Go Slow
September 2nd, 2015

This short phrase from a colleague pierced my heart recently. Things in the world are changing so rapidly.

Pausing for Praise
August 14th, 2015

When astonishment and awe hit you of the fruitful testimonies of God working through effective partnerships for His cause, we could not be silent at our recent GACX online board meeting. 

Newly Launched: GACX Eastern Africa
May 22nd, 2015

It is with great joy that I inform you of the successful launching of Eastern Africa GACX. A total of 123 leaders from 10 countries attended the event in Nairobi, Kenya on March 19, 2015.

The African Church & Global Mission
May 22nd, 2015

This is the age of the church planting movement, while it may have been birthed in South America and sparked in Asia – it has now taken root in Africa. 

5 Reasons Why We Care About Partnerships
May 22nd, 2015

Leaders of five organizations had initiated GACX in September 2011.


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