Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

There are several key benefits of joining the collaborative platform of the global alliance of church multiplication:

Glorifying God. Becoming answers to Jesus’ prayer for unity (John 17).

Connecting. Building relationships with like-minded leaders, discovering areas of mutual interest, and making strategic decisions together.

Collaborating. Sharing lessons learned, identifying and partnering in priority locations, minimizing duplication, maximizing resources, measuring progress, attending one another’s events, and supporting one another.

Sharing research, resources, and tools. Using research and tracking tools to identify where churches exist and where new churches need to be established. Sharing resources and tools to accelerate church multiplication.

Coaching. Access to GACX regional coaches who support and encourage sustainable national alliances and connect national alliances with each other.

Resources. We have resources addressing several ministry areas. These materials can be accessed here.

Read more benefits of joining the alliance
Become a Member
As a member of GACX, you can inspire, initiate, and implement partnerships with member organizations. If you are not yet a member, you can help accelerate the Great Commission by joining GACX now.
A group of people in Africa who are part of GACX members

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