Neil Hudson is the Senior Leader of Salford Elim Church, England and a Senior Associate of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity. He is passionate about equipping churches to become communities of people whose whole lives are transformed by the love of Jesus, who in turn transform the world through faith acted out in everyday life. His books, Imagine Church (IVP 2012) and Scattered and Gathered (IVP 2019) set out that vision and offer some practical steps to make it happen.

Potholes on the road of ministry
May 8th, 2024

But what if a pothole-covered road could be the setting for the rededication of a person’s life to Jesus? For 40 years, In Touch Ministries has taught about the Bible and discipleship through radio and television.

What soil yields healthy church plants?
April 22nd, 2024

Equipping Farmers International, a new member of GACX, believes that church-based agricultural training yields food security solutions.

10,000 Villages to Reduce Multidimensional Poverty
March 20th, 2024

1.6 billion people worldwide live in multidimensional material poverty.

The Birth of a National Alliance for Church Multiplication in Panama
February 14th, 2024

Things are slowly moving forward for Todd and the rest of the team involved in the national alliance for church multiplication in Panama.

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