2024 State of the Great Commission

Bruce Wilson

The Lausanne Movement, a key partner of the global alliance for church multiplication (GACX), recently released the much anticipated State of the Great Commission Report. This key document, written in preparation for the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization that will be held in Seoul, South Korea this September, shares insights from more than 150 global mission experts and sheds light on how the global church can be obedient to Jesus’ Great Commission today.

As a brief introduction to the Report, you may find it helpful to read this short overview of four themes in Lausanne’s State of the Great Commission Report. You can find that overview here: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/trevin-wax/themes-lausannes-great-commission/.

However, don’t stop at this short overview. Reading the full report is well worth your time! The full State of the Great Commission Report can be accessed here: https://lausanne.org/report

As you read the Report, consider these questions:

  • What are the implications of this report for your work? 

  • What necessary changes will better position your organization to effectively work side by side with the global church and clearly communicate, in word and deed, the beauty of wholistic restoration in Christ?

  • What are the implications of this report for the global alliance for church multiplication, and how can we work together to establish a healthy, multiplying, and sustainable church for every 1,000 people on earth?

The posture of GACX is to share ideas and learn from one another with humility, curiosity, and grace. We encourage members to ask probing questions and listen well. We do not expect that all members will share the same perspective, use the same methods, or draw the same conclusions. We do hope that all members will contribute to constructive dialogue on complex issues.

May this report catalyze constructive dialogue within the global alliance as we learn from each other and journey forward together!

Bruce Wilson

Executive Vice President, GACX

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