Josh Spinks is the Church Partnership Coordinator for e3 Partners and lives in Louisiana, USA.

Making Disciples and Training Church Planters at the US/Mexico Border
April 25th, 2022

When immigrants began streaming north into the United States last year, Calvary Baptist Church of McAllen, TX, and e3 Partners joined forces to meet both physical and spiritual needs.

May 29 is Global Church Planting Day
April 25th, 2022

The second chapter of Acts records what happened on the day of Pentecost when Jesus’ disciples received the Holy Spirit. They and God-fearing Jews from all over the world bore witness to the birth of the global Church.

Engaging the Whole Community through Whole-life Disciples
March 28th, 2022

How do we help believers live as effective, mission-focused disciples in all areas of their life?

A Widow’s Son with a Tea Cart is Bringing Jesus to an Unreached Village
December 15th, 2021

Pastor PK* and others connected through GACX India recently trained people – called catalysts –  to go plant house churches. They were sent to villages in central India where there is no obvious presence of Christ. 

Forum 2021 Inspires Co-laborers to “Move Forward Together in God’s Mission”
November 2nd, 2021

The words “One Team, One Dream” resonated in the hearts and minds of over 2100 people from 104 countries who participated in GACX Forum 2021, September 28-30.

Believing God to see Multiplying Church in Every Place
October 28th, 2021

GACX’s vision is to see a living, vital church of Jesus Christ established among every 1000 people everywhere.

Developing Collaboration as a Relational Lifestyle
October 28th, 2021

When tragedy brought intense scrutiny to her organization, Mary Ho experienced the open-handed support from others in the Body of Christ.

Discipleship is Not Hard, Just Intentional
October 28th, 2021

Jesus’s approach to making disciples was to find them and invite them to journey with him.  The same is true today as we intentionally choose others and model for them what it means to follow Jesus. 

God Uses the Person Who Has a Dream
October 28th, 2021

The first way faith is demonstrated in the life of a leader is when he or she is not afraid to believe God.

Dreaming Together Overcomes Obstacles to Collaboration
October 27th, 2021

What would it look like if the body of Christ decided that our mission and not our differences define us?

Mobilizing Prayer through GACX Members
July 29th, 2021

From its beginning in 2011, prayer has been the foundation of GACX’s vision to plant one healthy, multiplying church for every one thousand people around the world.

God’s Ways of Expanding His Kingdom
July 29th, 2021

While staying at a hotel during a recent out-of-town trip, my wife and I met a couple who were serving on a church staff in a town where we had some longtime friends.

Helping Disciples See The Purpose of Sunday Is Monday
July 18th, 2021

With fervor, we must continue helping disciples see that the purpose of Sunday is Monday.

Discipleship for the Workplace
June 28th, 2021

For many disciples, the workplace is one of their greatest spheres of connection and influence. Yet many believers don’t see that their job can be an act of worship — and an opportunity to engage others with the gospel.

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