Bruce Wilson serves as the Executive Vice President of GACX. His prior experience includes serving internationally as a church planter and as a missions pastor. Bruce and his wife Becky live in Orlando, Florida.

What soil yields healthy church plants?
April 22nd, 2024

Equipping Farmers International, a new member of GACX, believes that church-based agricultural training yields food security solutions.

10,000 Villages to Reduce Multidimensional Poverty
March 20th, 2024

1.6 billion people worldwide live in multidimensional material poverty.

The Birth of a National Alliance for Church Multiplication in Panama
February 14th, 2024

Things are slowly moving forward for Todd and the rest of the team involved in the national alliance for church multiplication in Panama.

Power and Practices of Partnerships
February 8th, 2024

Partnership is essential to fulfill the Great Commission. In this article, Dr. Bekele Shanko shares a few reasons and steps for initiating, developing and managing partnerships.

Melt this Heart of Stone
January 25th, 2024

God melted the heart of stone of one man, resulting in the birth of the Crescent Project, one of the newest members of GACX.

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