Steve Addison is a catalyst for movements that multiply disciple and churches, everywhere. He is an author, speaker, podcaster, and mentor to movement pioneers.

Showing Disciples Their Role in God’s Story
May 20th, 2021

How did Jesus turn a bunch of failed and broken disciples into a world-changing missionary force?

Helping Movements Flourish Through Effective Coaching
April 22nd, 2021

Effective coaching is vital to the success of discipleship/church multiplication movements. Improving your ability to mentor, challenge and encourage others can increase the spiritual fruitfulness of a movement and help it grow larger.

Panama Partnership Brings Opportunity to Engage Migrants
March 24th, 2021

Twenty-seven Christian leaders in Panama came together after the Global Forum in September 2020 to form a national expression of GACX in their country.

Off the Ground: Early Action Steps for Effective Partnership Trajectory
March 24th, 2021

Partnerships, networks, or other form cooperation always have real people and real ministries involved.

GACX Celebrates 100-Member Milestone
March 23rd, 2021

GACX recently reached a significant milestone when the alliance’s list of global member organizations officially passed the 100-member mark.

Developing Strategic Partnerships & Global Projects
March 18th, 2021

Rick Franklin and Menchit Wong are currently partnering together on a team developing an exciting new program for the Lausanne Movement and YLGen. This and many decades of other experiences give them good insights into the challenges, benefits, and processes of working together.

Working Remotely to Start and Sustain Movements
March 6th, 2021

During this webinar, you will learn about the character qualities, fruitful practices, and tools that define and foster effectiveness in being a non-residential movement catalyst.

Children & Youth: Discovering Effective Ways to Engage
February 19th, 2021

People under the age of 18 represent over one-quarter of the world’s current population. Understanding global trends among today’s young people helps us discover how to reach them, disciple them as followers of Jesus, and then release them into His mission.

Partnership Mobilizes 750,000 Next-Generation Evangelists
February 3rd, 2021

When COVID-19 closed schools in early 2020, Elias Apetogo, Africa leader for The Prayer Covenant, shifted plans to mobilize 750,000 people through radio and local churches to pray for the Go2020 global outreach.

Regional Online Gatherings Increase Children & Youth Ministry Collaboration
February 3rd, 2021

A driving goal for GACX is fostering connections and collaborations around specific areas related to multiplication.

Reaching the Unreached with Online Strategies
February 2nd, 2021

Ministry leaders describe how they are using digital media to reach the unreached worldwide.

Why Children & Youth Matter in God’s Mission
February 2nd, 2021

Viveks Samuel talks with Rick Olmstead, David Grabovenko, and Gabrielle Odom to provide insight into how billions of young people worldwide can be engaged in God's global mission.

How the Power of Multiplication Assures Growth
February 2nd, 2021

Bekele Shanko details why church multiplication -- as opposed to church addition -- is essential to providing a healthy church for every thousand people in the world.

The Urgent, Worldwide Need for Discipleship
January 26th, 2021

Mary Ho describes how local church planting movements have resulted in the pace of new Christians has started to exceed the rate of population growth.

2020 Forum Creates Global Opportunity for Field Trainer
November 27th, 2020

Moving GACX’s 2020 Global Forum online created many unique opportunities to connect and involve co-laborers from around the world.

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