Dr. Emanuel Prinz partnered with God to start a movement and works as a movement consultant, boosting ministries toward movements. He is the author of Movement Catalysts and blogs at www.catalyticleadership.info
There are multiple methods and strategies that God can use to bring about a rapidly growing Kingdom movement.
In the Fall of 2022, GACX conducted a survey with 282 global church planters to learn more about their habits, beliefs, and plans for the future of church planting.
I have talked with lots of effective movement catalysts. Some I have coached, some formally interviewed, and some surveyed systematically.
Learn more about emerging ministry opportunities in the Metaverse. Learn more about what the Metaverse is and what the Bible has to say about embodiment.
Change is a constant in our world. Especially in the last few years, however, it feels that the pace of change is increasing dramatically.
At the 2022 GACX Forum, JD Payne defines "apostolic imagination" in the early church as, "A Spirit-transformed mindset that helped facilitate urgent and widespread gospel proclamation, disciple making, church planting, and leadership development."
At the 2022 GACX Forum, Harry Brown shares his insights on the necessity, value, and process of creating a leadership legacy in both organizations and the movement context.
At the 2022 GACX Forum, Dan Brokke shares what we are learning from recent data about the state of the global Church and the challenges that lay ahead in God's mission.
During the 2022 GACX Forum, movement catalyst and mobilizer Curtis Sergeant shares some of the global trends he is seeing in disciple-making and church-planting movements around the world.
Greg Steir shares three key principles from Romans 11:16 on equipping believers, especially younger people, to share the gospel effectively.
At the 2022 GACX Forum, Kenny Fong shares how he put his trust in Christ and became a disciple who could make disciples of others.
In his opening message at the 2022 GACX Forum, Bekele Shanko shares the Biblical mandate for making disciples and filling the earth with God's glory.
Over one-quarter of the world’s population are under the age of 18. God is working among them to raise them up and release them into Kingdom multiplication.
Nearly 50 years ago the global missions community embraced a refined vision of the mission task – reach all people groups, not just all countries.