Dave Coles is an encourager and resourcer of church-planting movements among unreached groups, serving with Beyond. He has dozens of articles published about church-planting movements, contextualization, reaching Muslims, and the nature of the church. He is author of "Jonathan Edwards on Movements", coauthor of "Bhojpuri Breakthrough: A Movement that Keeps Multiplying", coeditor of 24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples, and associate editor of Motus Dei: The Movement of God to Disciple the Nations.
“When we collaborate...It’s a way of celebrating the strengths and contributions of one another and accomplishing much more than doing it alone.” - Carol Magno GCM Philippines
“Sheno” fought in his South Asian country's liberation war many years ago. The experience of armed combat led him to continue fighting as a vigilante even after the war ended. One day, Sheno heard the message of the gospel. “If Jesus died for my sins, then that changes everything,”
"Wherever I go, one ongoing issue for me is that everybody is siloed. There are so many Christian organizations that work as if they're the only ones in the world doing what they do."
New York, London, Dubai, Toronto, Berlin, and Beijing. These large, global cities are familiar to us all and well-known as business and tourist destinations. In the midst of skyscrapers, restaurants, and shops, did you know that church planting is happening?
Founded in 1898, First Baptist Church of Boerne, Texas has a long history of planting church and engaging in global missions.
One GACX member specializes in customized research that provides the parameters for church planting that is highly focused and effective.
The Lausanne Movement recently released the much anticipated State of the Great Commission Report. This document shares insights from more than 150 global mission experts and sheds light on how the global church can be obedient to Jesus’ Great Commission today.