Connect Logo gacx forum 2024

September 30 to October 3, 2024

Ridgecrest Conference Center
Asheville, North Carolina
Building partnerships and trust.
The GACX Forum is the annual gathering of over 115 member organizations from the global alliance for church multiplication specifically focused on church multiplication in every region of the world.

Connecting organizations for church multiplication.

The Forum is a unique space for organizations engaged in church multiplication to come together and:

Connect Relationally

Share Lessons Learned

Catalyze Partnerships

Celebrate Progress

Why should I attend the GACX Forum?

Our shared vision of a healthy, multiplying, and sustainable church for every 1,000 people on earth can only be achieved when we work together and intentionally connect with God, each other, and the research, resources, and tools we need to accelerate church multiplication worldwide.

Connect with Ideas

Connect with Ideas

Connect with research, resources, ideas, and tools that accelerate church multiplication.

Connect Ministries

Connect Ministries

Connect with complementary ministries that improve your organization’s ability to develop healthy, multiplying, and sustainable churches.

Connect Regionally

Connect Regionally

Connect with alliance members seeking to intentionally develop new partnerships in the same region of the world.


Content-rich workshops by global experts designed to catalyze conversations on complex topics that are best done in person. These highly interactive sessions featuring a short presentation followed by small group discussion have replaced traditional plenary sessions as the primary way to connect with current research, resources, and ideas. Topics include:

Themes in Church Multiplication Movements among the Least-Reached

Wes Watkins, Motus Dei Network

Connecting Theological Education and Church Planting

Michael Ortiz, ICETE

3D Disciple Making Movements: What Is It? Why Is It Important?

Steven Steinhaus, New Generations

Emerging Models of Church-Centric Bible Translation

Meg Hunt & Chris Chestnut, Wycliffe

Wholistic Transformational Movements that Change Lives Forever

Terry Dalrymple, Global CHE Network

Church Planting and Digital Strategies

Media to Movements & Jesus Film Project

Leading from a Rested Heart

Bekele Shanko, GACX

Global Standards for Healthy Church Planters and Leaders

Rick Petty, Re-Forma

Understanding and Collaborating with the Orthodox Church

Nathan Hoppe, Lausanne Orthodox Initiative

Church Planting in Urban Contexts

Brad Wall, Global Gates

Lead with Prayer in Church Planting

Alex Grant, Venture

Ministry Leadership Development by and for the Majority World: A New Pilot Program by ODBU

Tim Laniak, ODBU


One organization’s strengths can meet another organization’s needs when complementary ministries connect.

These inter-ministry conversations are designed to incubate relationships that move towards operational collaboration:

Church planting and leadership development

Facilitator: Tim Laniak

Church planting and theological training

Facilitator: Michael Ortiz

Church planting and Bible translation & accessibility

Facilitator: John Chesnut

Church planting and wholistic community development

Facilitator: Terry Dalrymple

Church planting and prayer and evangelism initiatives

Facilitator: Dave Gibson

Church planting and urban ministry

Facilitator: Brad Wall

Church planting and digital strategies

Facilitator: Amber

Church planting and marketplace engagement

Facilitator: Phil Walker

Church planting and mapping to identify strategic gaps

Facilitator: JJ Alderman

Church planting and liturgical traditions

Facilitator: Nathan Hoppe

Church planting and national alliances

Facilitators: KR Green & Rick Fiechter

Church planting and youth ministry

Facilitator: Tom Harley


Connect with member organizations that are intentionally seeking new partnerships in the same region of the world that your organization has prioritized.

  • Southeast Asia & South Pacific

  • East Asia

  • South Asia

  • North America 

  • Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Europe and Russia 

  • Middle East and North Africa 

  • Central Asia 

  • Francophone Africa 

  • Sub-Saharan Africa


The Forum Schedule provides time for alliance members to connect with each other to build partnerships and trust.

Monday, Sept 30

Tuesday, Oct 1

Wednesday, Oct 2

Thursday, Oct 3

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Arrivals / Airport Shuttles

7:15 - 8:15 AM


7:15 - 8:15 AM


7:00 - 8:45 AM

Luggage Drop Off

1:00 - 5:00 PM

Pre-Forum Meetings

8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Connect with God & His Mission

8:30 - 9:00 AM

Connect with God

7:15 - 8:15 AM


1:00 - 8:00 PM


12:15 - 1:15 PM


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Connect Ministries

Before 10:00 AM

Hotel Check-Out Time

After 4:00 PM

Hotel Check-In Time

1:30 - 4:30 PM

Connect with Ideas

12:15 - 1:15 PM


9:00 - 11:00 AM

Celebration, Comisssioning & Communion

6:00 - 8:00 PM

Welcome Reception

4:30 - 5:45 PM

Connect with Colleagues

1:30 - 4:00 PM

Connect Regionally

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Refreshments & Luggage Pick Up

5:45 - 6:45 PM


4:00 - 5:00 PM

Chapel Prayer & Worship

12:00 PM

Departures / Airport Shuttles

7:00 - 9:00 PM

Fireside Desserts

5:00 - 5:45 PM

Together Time

5:45 - 6:45 PM



Register for Conference and Lodging

Forum Registration includes all meals, sessions, workshops, event activities, and shuttle transportation to & from local airports.

After entering registration information, you will be automatically re-directed to the Ridgecrest Conference Center site to book your Forum lodging.

$445 For participants affiliated with a GACX member organization.
$495 For participants not affiliated with a GACX member organization.
$395 Bring your Spouse to the conference.
Ridgecrest Conference Center
Asheville, North Carolina
September 30 - October 3, 2024

Ridgecrest provides a picturesque setting with modern facilities and amenities, making it an ideal venue for connecting with God and others in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.


Sponsors benefit from multiple connection opportunities and broad exposure to over 100 organizations dedicated to church multiplication. Exhibitor space is limited. Last year we sold out. REGISTER NOW.


THANK YOU to these organizations who have helped make the 2024 Forum possible.

Visit their booth at Johnson Spring (1st & 2nd floors) Lobbies during scheduled Breaks and Together Times.


Contact Us for more information about scheduling a pre-forum gathering for your organization or ministry cohort.


If you need help with any other questions, contact the Forum team.

We selected Ridgecrest Conference Center (Asheville, NC) as the site for the 2024 and 2025 GACX annual Forums for the following reasons:


  • Ridgecrest Conference Center (RCC) is a Christian conference center with values that dovetail with GACX. Their facilities are excellent for connecting with God and others. 

  • A high priority for Forum attendees is networking. The RCC campus provides a wide variety of indoor and outdoor seating areas conducive to informal conversations.

  • RCC is an all-inclusive conference center. Attendees can stay on campus the entire time, connecting with other attendees over meals, sessions, outdoor activities, walks, and evening events. 

  • The natural beauty and campus setting of RCC encourages slowing down, reconnecting with God, and focusing on spiritual renewal. RCC has a retreat ethos, not a corporate ethos. The retreat atmosphere complements our desire for GACX members to work together as brothers and sisters in Christ. 


  • The Blue Ridge Mountains are a beautiful and refreshing location in autumn with vibrant fall colors, crisp air, and miles of hiking trails.

  • Ridgecrest Conference Center (RCC) is located on 1300 wooded acres.

  • Black Mountain (the nearest town five minutes from RCC) is a vibrant tourist town rich in arts, crafts, and music. It is currently home to over 200 businesses, including restaurants, bed and breakfasts, and specialty shops. 

Asheville (the nearest city 20 minutes from RCC) is well known for its excellent restaurants and the world-famous Biltmore House and Estate.

YES, Save money and use free transportation provided by GACX to and from the local airports servicing Ridgecrest Conference Center. The Forum starts on Monday at 6 pm and ends on Thursday at 12 pm. We strongly recommend Forum participants fly into Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) due to its close proximity to Ridgecrest.

For transportation to and from Asheville Regional Airport (AVL), book your flights to arrive no later than 5:00 pm (17:00) on September 30. On Monday, shuttles depart from (AVL) every hour between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm (12:00 and 17:00). On Thursday, shuttles depart at 12 pm. Do not book your departing flight before 2:30 pm (14:30) as it is a 30-minute drive, and you will need time to check-in for your flight.

For transportation to and from Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT), book your  flights, arrive no later than 3:00 pm (15:00) on September 30. On Monday, shuttles depart from (CLT) at 10 am, 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm (10:00, 13:00 and 16:00). On Thursday, shuttles depart at 12 pm. Do not book your departing flight before 5:00 pm (17:00) as it is a 3-hour drive, and you will need time to check-in for your flight.

YES, you can bring your spouse to the Forum. GACX is offering a discounted rate for your spouse, so make sure you include your spouse during your Conference Registration process. Also, make a note about your spouse sharing your room in the Comment section when you register for your lodging on the Ridgecrest Conference Center website.

Cancellation & Refund
Room deposit is refundable if cancelling 60 or more days prior to arrival, one-half refundable if cancelling 30-59 days prior to arrival. Room deposit is non-refundable if cancelling less than 30 days prior to arrival. 

Conference fees are non-refundable after September 1, but may be transferred to another person without penalty. In the event that the conference must be canceled for circumstances beyond our control (e.g. natural disaster, government travel restrictions, etc.) registrations are non-refundable. Much like when traveling on vacation or overseas, we recommend consideration of travel insurance to safeguard against loss.

Networking and collaboration are key goals of the GACX Forum. Participation in the whole event is strongly encouraged for the benefit of all participants. While a few participants may need to arrive late or depart early, GACX cannot provide any discounts or other adjustments to the registration cost.

GACX is unable to provide registration discounts, scholarships, or other financial assistance to students or international participants.

GACX does not provide letters of invitation to participants attending GACX events. If a participant needs a letter of invitation, we encourage them to request a letter from their sponsoring organization.