Bill Sundstrom serves with Cru's Global Church Movements and is also a writer/editor for GACX.
Once we graduated college, my best friend, Heidi, and I decided to start a two-person book club.
The GACX member organization, Horn of Africa, is a brilliant organization that uses its ideas to plant churches in Africa.
“If that church weren’t planted, I wouldn’t be here. It was a small, seemingly unsuccessful church, but whoever planted it doesn’t understand the depth of its impact on my life,” says Cruz Paniagua.
When I was in high school, my dad and I sat down to watch Dead Poets Society, one of his favorite movies of all time.
In my sophomore year of college, I switched majors from Elementary Education to Business Communications. What did I want to do with that degree? No idea.
Over my sophomore spring break in college, I went on a mission trip to Mississippi. It was hot, there was drama, and I was averaging three hours of sleep.
Fatima was hostile to the Gospel, attending Christian events and Bible studies on her US campus mostly to argue. Then she experienced answered prayer in Jesus’ name from a Christian friend.
“This is the first church I have ever been to where I did not feel anxious.” The middle-aged woman who spoke these words is a lifelong church attendee. She has lived on three continents.
There are 8 billion people alive today. Of those, approximately 2.5 billion claim to follow Jesus, while the remaining 5.5 billion do not identify with the Christian faith.
If you have spent any time at all in the church planting world, you have undoubtedly heard it said, “If we added up all the reports, the Great Commission would be complete.”
The Lord has called us to set our hope on the grace to be given us on the day when Jesus will return for his church...
Discover the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in church multiplication and engagement with Gen Z by joining us for an inspiring and informative GACX webinar.
Global Assist is an organization that provides resources (financial support, leadership training, strategic planning, prayer, and encouragement) to indigenous partner ministries.
Global Advance was founded in 1990 by David Shibley, focusing on pastoral leadership training, church planting, mobilization, and evangelization in developing nations.
StoryRunners® equips people to develop oral Bible stories to launch church-planting movements among unreached people who don’t have access to the Bible.