Getting “Together Now”

Dr. Bekele Shanko - GACX

“Together Now” is the theme for the GACX Forum 2016. We have chosen these two words to capture what we will be doing. I believe they capture both God’s heart and priority. God’s heart is for His children to be and to serve His purpose together. God is not just commanding us to work together but He has demonstrated the principle and the power of togetherness. In the very first chapter of the Bible, we learn that God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit carried out the work of creation together. And the Bible closes its pages with the Trinity still working together: the Father preparing the everlasting Kingdom, the Holy Spirit calling the Son to come back, and the Son getting ready to be united with His Bride.

“Now” is the best and the right time for us to work together.

Working together brings so many benefits: strength, divine blessings, victory, being an effective witness of Jesus, increased fruitfulness, and God receiving glory. But we often don’t work in a coordinated way, maximizing our efforts and minimizing duplication. GACX Forums help us learn and grow towards the unity and intentional collaboration which glorifies of God. “Now” is the best and the right time for us to work together. Why? The best and the right time for any believer to fulfill the purpose of God is while he or she is alive. Once we are gone, we can’t collaborate. The Bible says, “Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2, ESV). If the favorable time is now, then we must use it now. If the day of salvation is now, then we must preach the Gospel now. If we want the world to “believe that the Father has sent Jesus to this world” then we must be committed to love and work with one another (John 17:20-23 ESV). The GACX Forum 2016 will provide amazing opportunities for churches and mission organizations to collaborate toward effective church planting. By being together and by collaborating now, we will increase the effectiveness of the Church in reaching the world with the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. I encourage you to join us October 11-14 in Colorado Springs and see how God is building His Kingdom through our intentional collaboration. Come be a part of this adventurous journey together now.

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