Newly Launched: GACX Eastern Africa

It is with great joy that I inform you of the successful launching of Eastern Africa GACX. A total of 123 leaders from 10 countries attended the event in Nairobi, Kenya on March 19, 2015. At the event, I had the privilege to present some of the current opportunities and challenges within the African church planting context.  Several other regional and national leaders spoke with conviction and inspired the participants to engage in church planting and multiplication. Four organizations, namely Campus Crusade for Christ, The Timothy Initiative, Dynamic Church Planting International, and Trinity Global Ministries have provided direction and leadership to the process. In addition to the Eastern Africa alliance, five countries have decided to launch national alliances – Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya and Rwanda. National Forums are scheduled to take place in the next year. What a joy to see various organizations working together to further the Kingdom of God! Truly, God is doing amazing things all over the world and calling us to believe Him for greater things. Let’s praise the Lord for these milestones and pray for the goal of planting over 370,000 churches in that region. Please also pray for God’s wisdom as we seek to develop multiple models of intentional partnerships and launch regional/national alliances in various regions of the world.

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