Joey is passionate about developing innovative ministries and leaders who serve the mission of God among all peoples. Since 2000, he has been serving unreached peoples in various ways in different contexts around the world. This includes involvement in student ministry, working at a secular think tank, starting new ministries in various countries, co-founding and leading two global mission coalitions, and making disciples as a long-term worker in North Africa and Spain.
Joey has an MA in Middle East Studies and a Master of Public Affairs from the University of Texas at Austin. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Columbia International University, researching and writing on evangelical mission networks that serve unreached people groups. Moreover, he is a co-editor of The Arab Region and Trade Liberalization Policies, and author of All Authority: How the Authority of Christ Upholds the Great Commission. Joey and his wife Krystal have three boys and a miniature poodle named Yoda.