
The Beauty of Intentional Unity
November 13th, 2017

How do we go from a theoretical concept of unity to intentional, strategic collaboration?

How to Get to Movements
November 13th, 2017

What happens when you train anyone with a pulse who loves Jesus to connect and share?

Our Turn
November 5th, 2017

First, it was Jesus; then it was the early church. And now, it's our turn to get the job done.

Everything Your Need to Know
October 27th, 2017

Everything you need to know to reach the world is found in the example of Jesus.

Proclaiming God’s Cosmic Mystery
October 27th, 2017

God intends for the global proclamation of the gospel through the church so that the wisdom of He might be made known through creation.

GACX Progress & Direction
October 31st, 2016

During the 2016 Forum, GACX Chairman Bekele Shanko talks about our progress towards planting 5 million new churches.

Breakthrough Multiplication
October 30th, 2016

Steve shares some essential elements for developing and multiplying a church planting movement.

It’s About Jesus
October 30th, 2016

Jimmy brings focus to the person of Jesus as the heart of our work.

Casting Vison to Mobilize Believers
October 30th, 2016

Steve shares from his experience some Biblical and practical insights on casting the vision for church multiplication. 

Mobilizing with Passion
October 30th, 2016

Jimmy speaks about the importance of personally living out gospel practices as vital to mobilizing others.

Ready to Move
October 30th, 2016

Jimmy shares what it takes to be ready to move when God moves and creates opportunities for the Kingdom.


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