Training Opportunity for Young Pastors

Ramesh Richard - RReach

Since 2005 God has allowed the Global Proclamation Academy (GPA) to bring 25 younger pastoral leaders to Dallas for a three-week program designed to connect, unite and strengthen the finest, younger lead pastors of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. God has blessed RREACH (Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health), in concert with Dallas Theological Seminary, over the last 12 years to graduate 277 outstanding young pastors from 85 countries and with a 100% return rate. We are again expecting 25 men in 2018 from 25 countries. The Dallas GPA is the most critical aspect of the Global Proclamation Commission, a human capital campaign to connect, unite and strengthen 100,000 pastors by 2020. As such, each pastor must fit the following criteria to be considered for candidacy before beginning the intense application process:

  • He must be a male who is in his mid-thirties (38 or under in order to maximize interaction and maintain peer friendships for over the long term).

  • He must be fluent in English.

  • He must be serving in a lead pastoral role of a congregation and preaching regularly.

  • He must possess a vision for pastoral multiplication and document involvement in training pastors.

  • He must name 10 relationships with pastors of any age, anywhere.

  • He must be willing to pay for visa fees and raise half of his round trip airfare to Dallas (Lord willing, all other expenses will be covered by RREACH).

Do you know any younger pastors who might fit? Please visit by December 30 to recommend a pastor. We will invite them on your behalf to apply. We would also encourage you to inform your nominees that you have recommended them for RREACH’s program to be held June 10-30, 2018, at Dallas Theological Seminary. We again anticipate that this 2018 class will be full with just the right pastors whom God will bring from all over the world.

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