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Mission Statement

Indigitous equips you with powerful digital solutions and offline strategies that are resourced by our collaborative community. This empowers you to confidently tell others about Jesus and catalyze the spread of the Gospel to where it is not. Our name comes from the fusion of two ideas important to us. Indigenous because it reflects our desire for locally generated strategies that work in each generation, language, and culture. Digital because we believe digital tools, resources, platforms, and strategies can accelerate God’s mission. Indigitous is where digital meets missional.

Active Regions

Middle East and North Africa
South Asia (includes India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka)
South Pacific
Central Asia
East Asia (includes China, Japan, Korea, Macao, Mongolia, Singapore, Taiwan)
Europe and Russia
Southeast Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean
Francophone Africa
North America
Sub-Saharan Africa

Ministry Activities

We work in the following ministry areas:

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