Sponsorships help GACX provide a great event at a reasonable cost to participants coming to the Forum from around the world. Sponsors benefit from multiple connection opportunities and broad exposure to over 100 organizations dedicated to church multiplication.
We have simplified the process, and exhibitor space is limited to only 16 sponsors this year. Last year, we sold out, so Register Now at a reduced average cost of $2000 on a first-come, first-serve for one of the limited exhibitor spaces with the following benefits:
Logo & web link in digital promotions & communications
Logo on slide during main session
Verbal acknowledgement during main session
Logo printed in Conference Program
Exhibit space including a table and 2 chairs in high traffic areas
Special Sponsor Conference Name Tag
Sponsors are asked to be mindful of GACX's unique mission and culture.
Our mission is to see one healthy, multiplying church established for every 1000 people everywhere.
Collaboration creates opportunities for God to accelerate the multiplication of His Kingdom.
We value "Bride before brand" — multiplying the Church of Jesus matters far more than logos or egos.
A posture of "serving, not selling" will be well received by participants.
GACX asks that sponsors refrain from adding Forum participants to email distribution lists without their explicit permission. A one-time follow-up email to participants is acceptable.
Please note: GACX reserves the right to decline sponsorship from non-member organizations that do not align with our basic vision, mission, or values. A Forum sponsorship does not imply GACX's endorsement or recommendation of any product, service, company, or organization; and it does not create an ongoing relationship between GACX and a sponsoring organization.