What will it take to “finish the task” among the poorest of the poor?
Register now for an upcoming webinar on Wednesday, April 17, at 11 am EST, facilitated by Global CHE Network. We will be joined by Terry Dalrymple, Founder and Coordinator of the Global CHE Network, a GACX member organization, and Ron Seck, Founder of CHE EuroNet in Central Europe and the Balkans.
A recent study done by Joshua Project and the Global CHE Network uncovered a startling statistic: 81% of the 334 unreached people groups in the African Sahel are multidimensionally poor. If, in obedience to Christ’s command, we will make disciples among every tribe, tongue, and nation on earth, we must think strategically. What will it take to finish the task among the poorest of the poor?
In this webinar, we will explore a proven and integrated strategy for multiplying disciples and planting churches while lifting communities out of cycles of poverty and disease.
We will discuss the Biblical basis for integrated word and deed ministries in our brief time together. We will look at core principles and proven strategies for Christ-centered transformational movements that multiply disciples, plant churches, lift families, communicate out of cycles of poverty, and multiply that success to communities around.
Click here to register for this engaging GACX event!
Who is the Global CHE Network?
Community Health Evangelism is a strategy that has become a movement. Many of those using the strategy have come together to form a network of ministries around the world with a vision to catalyze transformational movements in a million villages.
The Global CHE Network represents more than 400 organizations using the Community Health Evangelism strategy in 115 countries. Working together, they have mobilized 64,770 workers in 7,193 villages worldwide. 47,226 of those are volunteers from the villages visiting homes, bringing people to Christ, discipling in small groups, and bringing small groups together to plant churches. The latest report indicates that these volunteers are currently visiting 238,365 homes and have planted 3,603 churches.
For more information about the Global CHE Network, click here.